Preparation of TS TRANSCO / GENCO -AE :
- Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems.
- Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation.
- Analog Electronics & Digital Electronics.
- Signals & Systems , Communications.
- Electrical and Electronics Measurements.
- Control Systems and Process Control.
- Analytical,Optical Instrumentation.
- Telecommunication,Switching System and Networks.
- Basic Electrical Engineering.
- More Concentration Should be given on Instrumentation, Measurement and Instrumentation are in 3 units and can Expect a total of 20 to 25 Questions
- 6 to 7 Questions can be Expected from Digital.
- Communication Systems, Telecom Switching, System Networking are subjects with more weight age.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits is a Basic Subject and Include 15 to 20 questions.
- Telecom and Instrumentation Students are also eligible for TS GENCO Notification.
- Other Branches , Electronics Students should concentrate on Electrical Engineering Subjects .
Reference Books:
- Galgotia Publications Buy At Amazon
- Rajput Buy At Amazon
- GATE Papers Buy At Amazon
- Electrical Circuits and Networks
- Control System
- Measurements
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Electrical Machines
- Power Electronics and Devices
- Power System
- Switch Gear
- Power Plant Engineering.
- Compared to Previous Year Syllabus, Power Plant Engineering was newly added..
- This year we can expect more questions from power systems in the exam.
- an Electrical Engineering student doesn't really concentrate on analog and digital electronics,but this subject may become tough in the exam.
- there is possibility to have theory questions from measurement.Practicing on standard questions will be useful for this subject,There is a chance to get 5 to 9 Questions.
- Electrical Circuits and Networks is a basic subject.From this there may be a chance to ask formula based questions. we can expect approximately 5 to 10 Problems from this subjects.
- Standard questions may expected from control systems,Student should work on the questions from previous years GATE , IES papers, may Expect 6 to 7 questions from this topics.
- Analog and Digital Electronics are more Important Subjects. We can Expect 3 to 4 questions from Analog and 2 to 3 questions from Digital. Student should work on topics Flip-flops,A/d and D/A Converts, Logical gates.
- Students should read about devices like SCR , TRAIC from Power Electronics.
- 15 to 20 questions can be expected from Electrical Machines.
Reference Books:
- Electrical Engineering Objective by J.B.Gupta Buy At Amazon
- Galgotia Publications Buy At Amazon
Mechanical Engineering:
- Strength of Material and Fluid Machinery
- Theory of Machines
- Material Science and Metallurgy
- Design on Machines
- Heat Transfer and Turbo Machines
- Thermodynamics and Applied Thermodynamics
- Foundry, welding and Forging
- Production and Operation Management
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Power plant Engineering
Important Topics:
- Expect 15 to 20 questions from thermal Engineering subject. Theory and Problems are asked from this subject.
- Strength of Material and Fluid Mechanics,as this is a bsic subject, questions baesd on fromilae and constant will be asked.expected 15 to 20 questions.
- Production Engineering will be based maximum on theory. they can be on Tools,welding foundry.
- Basic Electrical Engineering has been included from for Mechanical Engineering. Student more concentrate on this subject.
Reference Books:
- R.K. Bansal Buy At Amazon
- R.S.Khurmi Buy At Amazon
- GATE & IES Previous Paper Buy At Amazon
Civil Engineering:
- Strength of Material and Theory of Structures.
- Reinforced Concrete
- Steel Structure
- Geo-Technical Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
- Environmental Engineering
- Hydrology & Water Management
- Power Plant Engineering
- Basics Electrical Engineering
Important Topics:
- We Expected 20 to 25 questions from SM and FM are the Basic subject.
- We can Expect a total of 15 marks Questions from Hydrology and Water management Topics.
- Basic Electrical Engineering, Power Plant Engineering Subject had been recently add to Civil Engineering ,So, Student More Practice on Important Topics of Each Subject
- Take Tips from the Experts who had Already cracked this examination they will provide you with best Guidance required for the Examination Preparation.
- R.S.Khurmi Buy At Amazon
- B.L Gupta
Preparation Tips:
- Prepare 10 Hours Per Day.
- Making a Short Note of Each and every subject will help you a final revision (Synopisis)
- Have Group Studies for hard Subjects.
- Try to Remember important Formulas,Definitions, Statements in a Shorter from.
- Attempt as many Model Tests as possible.
- There is no Particular weight age of marks for a subject.
- As there is no Negative marking you can attempt all the Questions in the exam.
- Revise all the topics before one week for the exam.
- Questions on a topics can be asked in different ways. So, try to Practice each question in all the Possible ways
- Don't try to know about new Concepts before three to four days for the exam.